My Safe Florida Home Program

by Bruce Griffy

When Can You Claim $10K for Home Upgrades?

The My Safe Florida Home program will subsidize owners’ efforts to boost their home’s storm defenses – but not before the peak of the 2022 hurricane season.

This program allows homeowners to apply for up to $10,000 in state funding for hurricane-resistant home improvements.

The My Safe Florida Home Program, revived by the state Legislature and Gov. Ron DeSantis in May, will help fund an array of upgrades by reimbursing homeowners $2 for every $1 they spend, up to $5,000. In other words, the program promises to pay $10,000 toward improvements costing $15,000 or more.

There is not an official launch date for the program so keep checking the link below for the launch date.

Please see the Qualifications and Restrictions Here!

